Wonderful piece! I love perfume. It’s such a personal thing. As a student, I had a Saturday job promoting perfumes in a department store. An older lady on the Guerlain counter explained to me how the chemistry of scent works and how scent will smell different on each person due to the slightly different Ph of their skin. Hence how some perfumes smell atrocious on one person but fine on another.

Guerlain are one of the few remaining true perfume houses - they don’t make washing-up liquid or detergent. Just perfume. I love that Jicky by Guerlain was Brigitte Bardot’s signature scent when she was at her most resplendent. Bardot is one of my Immortals. I used to wear Jicky in the hope that some of her glory would rub off on me.

My signature perfume is Shalimar by Guerlain. I’ve worn it at all the big occasions of my life. Graduations, engagement, marriage, birth of children, deaths of loved ones. I’ll be wearing it when I pass away. The old ones are the best.

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It brought back memories of mine and my sister's long running obsession with Guerlain perfumes.

My personal favourite was Mitsouko.

Chamade suited my sister perfectly but she couldn't be persuaded. She fell, instead, for the less subtle attractions of Shalimar.

Thanks for a very evocative piece.

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